Notices & Alerts
Posted 7/16/2021
Lawn & Landscaping Update
The board understands that owners expect to see their dollars spent wisely and that landscaping aesthetics are a tangible means of evidencing this. We recognize that landscaping has at times appeared unkempt or neglected, but hope to assure you that in fact, this is not the case. It has been my shortcoming as president to have not been more communicative in this regard, and for this please accept my apology.
In light of heavy rains and under advisement by our vendor, it was decided to skip mowing last week to prevent damage to the turf. We had been advised that heavy equipment rolling on a water saturated ground creates muddied ruts and depressions. Also, grass is highly susceptible to damage under these conditions because the roots are weakened by the water-soaked ground and prone to being ripped from the ground by the mower blade and trimmers, instead of being cut cleanly. This creates bare spots and dead zones. Credits to the association will be addressed for unprovided services where appropriate.
To this end I'm in weekly consultation with, and receive regular updates from, our lawn care provider's team foreman. We have discussed and agreed on the most practical and efficient strategy to restoring and maintaining the beauty of our grounds' lawn and landscaping. This plan is not without some short-term trade-offs, but will have long term benefits. We stress that this is a temporary condition - once our landscaping has recovered, we will resume normal mowing and trimming.The strategy is as follows:
Mowing and trimming will be suspended at times to allow grass to 'tighten-up' tree rings, borders and eventually fill in barren areas. This is a sensible, natural and economically viable means of reducing the expenses associated with sodding. Sod requires significant care to ensure that it 'takes', and this will reduce mulching expense as well.
Mowing will also be suspended from time-to-time, as needed, when the weather conditions described earlier exist.
Likewise, areas where turf meets curbing or walkways will be allowed to overgrow at times to meet the same goals of filling ever-widening gaps.
Bushes and plants that have likewise been over-trimmed over time (some to near-stubs) will be allowed to grow out and fill in. By not cutting off the buds, flowering plants will produce more flowers. By judiciously not trimming new growth on non-flowering bushes, they will grow fuller, thicker and be healthier.
I am a life-long lover of gardening. I also have a vested interest in seeing that the many thousands of dollars spent on our landscaping over the past few years does not go wasted with well meaning, but ultimately short-sighted and damaging, practices.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and patience as we work to keep Club Haciendas Condominiums the pride of Titusville.
Gary Marchesano
Club Haciendas Association Condominiums Inc.
Posted 6/10/2021
Property Wide Pressure
Washing Begins Today
Pressure washing will begin today, Thursday June 10, addressing the areas listed below. Work will start at the east end of the property and proceed to the west end. This work will be done by our Facilities Maintenance person Tony Spinella using equipment purchased by Club Haciendas for this purpose. No chemicals will be used.
Please be alert for water hoses, equipment and personnel.
Use extreme caution when entering or exiting your unit.
Building 1:
Concrete gutter drain behind this building
Green algae growing on lower roof eve – 967
Green algae growing on lower roof eve – 957
Building 3:
1011 & 1003 – green algae on concrete entry walkway
1013 & 1005 – green algae on concrete entry walkway
Green algae on lower part of building in front
1007/1015 needs pressure cleaning – green algae on concrete entry walkway
Rust above the eve of entrance of 1009
Building 4:
1037/1025 concrete entryways need power washed
Pressure cleaning to lower roof tiles & building exterior in many areas
1039/1027 concrete walkway at door entry needs power washed
Private property sign at east entrance needs cleaned
Building 6:
Green algae above 1059 wall & lower roof line
1069 green algae in entry walkway
Building 7:
1075 green algae on concrete entry wall
1079 entry needs cleaned
Building sign needs cleaned/repainted
Building 10:
1139/1147 green algae concrete entry way
1141/1149 green algae front concrete entry way
1145/1153 concrete walkway at unit entrances have a lot of algae
1143/1151 green algae front concrete entry way
Thank you!
Gary Marchesano
Club Haciendas Association Condominiums Inc.
Posted 5/20/2021
Parking Lot Lights
The parking lot lights in the east parking lot and in front of building #4 have failed drivers (an electrical device that regulates power to the fixture) installed as part of the conversion from conventional lighting to LED approximately 4-5 years ago. Replacement parts have been ordered and are expected to arrive by mid-late next week. We are told that improved technology and design has extended the life-span of this part to 15-20 years.
Since all parking lot lights were converted at the same time, it is likely that there will be more lights going out soon. Please let management know if you see any other lights going out so we can address them as quickly as possible.
We hope to have this resolved as soon as possible and appreciate your patience.
Thank you!
Posted 5/10/2021
Summer 2021 newsletter now available!
Posted 5/3/2021
Building cleaning has been re-scheduled for
Wednesday May 5 and Thursday May 6, 2021. Work will begin approximately at 8am and end at approximately 1pm each day, depending on the weather
Posted 4/29/2021
Building cleaning has been re-scheduled for
Wednesday May 5 and Thursday May 6, 2021.
The exteriors of buildings 2, 5, 8 & 11 will be cleaned as well as the pool deck, pool-house/BBQ building and the wall bordering Country Club Drive. A chemical “soft wash” process employing mold inhibitors and a bleaching agent will be used. The cleaning solution is caustic and will stain fabrics and irritate skin.
The cleaning will begin with the wall, then buildings and finish with the pool area. Owners are strongly advised to arrange their schedules accordingly on these days so as to not enter or exit your unit while this work is being done, and to wait until the building is dry before doing so. Also, please do not use the pool/BBQ facilities until the cleaning is finished and the area dry.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please direct any inquiries to property management hflinchum@sentrymgt.com
Gary Marchesano
Club Haciendas Association Condominiums Inc.
Posted 3/19/2021
Roof Repair - Building 8
Repairs to the rear section of Building 8 will soon begin. This project, under ideal conditions, is likely to last 3-4 weeks. But because it is highly dependent on the weather and building inspector schedules, it could take an undetermined amount of time longer.
Please do not park in front of building 8 – those spaces will be unavailable for an undetermined amount of time to accommodate machinery. Please use one of the other lots until this project is completed.
Residents should exercise extreme caution when entering and exiting their unit, both front and rear, and prepare for the noise and disruption associated with a project of this nature. Please stay clear of machinery and respond to any requests or notices to accommodate workers and machinery in a timely manner if asked.
While every effort is and will be taken to avoid collateral impact on landscaping, some damage may be unavoidable out of abundance of caution for worker safety as they work near the edge.
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience. I’m available to answer your questions at: garym615@hotmail.com.
Gary Marchesano
Club Haciendas Association Condominiums Inc.
Posted 3/17/2021
Board of Directors Meeting Added
The Board of Directors will be holding an additional meeting at 6:00 PM on Thursday, March 25,
2021. This meeting will not be at the Titusville Public Library. It will be held at the La Cita Country
Club in the upstairs conference room This room has limited capacity and social distancing may
not be possible.
Posted 3/16/2021
Roof Repair - Building 9
Repairs to the rear section of Building 9 will soon begin. This project, under ideal conditions, is likely to last 3-4 weeks but is highly dependent on the weather and could take an undetermined amount of time longer.
Residents should exercise extreme caution when entering and exiting their unit, especially the rear, and prepare for the noise and disruption associated with a project of this nature. Please stay clear of machinery and, although unlikely, respond to requests to move your vehicle to accommodate workers and machinery in a timely manner if asked.
While every effort is and will be taken to avoid collateral impact on landscaping, some damage may be unavoidable out of abundance of caution for worker safety as they work near the edge.
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience. I’m available to answer your questions at: garym615@hotmail.com.
Gary Marchesano
Club Haciendas Association Condominiums Inc.
Posted 3/12/2021
!!! Important changes to Club Haciendas Condominiums Association !!!
Notice of Change of Property Management
Notice of Change in April HOA Fee payment processing*
Notice of 2021 Board of Directors Election Results
Notice of Change of Board of Directors Meeting Schedule & Location
Fellow Owners,
This letter notices you of important information about changes in Club Haciendas Administration and management; and when, where and how to send your April HOA fee. These changes are results of the Annual Members Meeting held on Tuesday March 2, 2021. Please read this notice through very carefully.
Resignation of Collins Realty Group, Inc.
On approximately 8:00 PM on March 2, 2021, Collins Realty Group Inc., in accordance with their contract, gave Club Haciendas 30 days' written notice of their resignation. The last day of their employment is March 31, 2021.
Retainment of Sentry Management, Inc.
The current board of directors has contracted Sentry Management Inc to be our new management company effective April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2022. Sentry is accredited as an AMO® (Accredited Management Organization) by the Institute of Real Estate Management. They have been in the association management industry since 1975 and manage approximately 2850 communities ranging in size from 8 to over 3000 homes in 17 states (mostly in Central Florida). They provide live, on-call 24/7 365 day emergency response; are abundantly insured, and within our budget. The board is convinced that Sentry will provide Club Haciendas with superior service and support and we anticipate a long and healthy relationship.
* Because it will take time to transition fee payment processing from Collins Realty Group Inc to Sentry Management Inc, how, when and where you send your April HOA payment will change. While Sentry offers other ways to pay, we recommend that for April 2021 you mail a physical check, as it is free. See mailing address information below. Please do not make your payment before March 22, 2021 to allow for proper account set-up and posting.
Also, know that late fees for April 2021 will be waived. However, all prior amounts of accounts in arrears remain.
Make your check payable to Club Haciendas Condominiums Association, Inc. Be sure to include your unit number on the check so it can be properly posted. (Your unit number is different than your physical address. If you are not sure of your unit number, contact Collins Realty Group, Inc. at 321-607-6743 or crgi2014@gmail.com).
Mail your payment after March 22, 2021 to:
Sentry Management Inc
597 Haverty Court, Suite 110
Rockledge, FL 32955
It is important for you to be attentive to your mail – whether USPS or e-mail depending on your stated preference of record – for important correspondence from both Sentry Management and your Club Haciendas Board of Directors. Once the new payment process is established, your timely remittance will be crucial in allowing us to meet our obligations to our vendors responsibly.
The full transition is likely to take some time – perhaps 45-60 days. Much depends on the timely transmission of records from our former management company to the new one. In this regard, Collins Realty Group, Inc has expressed their intention to facilitate as seamless a transition as possible. We ask for your patience.
We understand that there are likely many questions and apologize for any inconvenience incurred as we strive to ensure continuity of administration and management. Updates will be posted on the “Bulletin Board” page for those who have registered on the website (https://clubhaciendas.wixsite.com/clubhaciendas). For the most timely information we urge you to also sign up for the site’s ‘Alerts’ feature by sending an email to https://clubhaciendas.wixsite.com/clubhaciendas/contact and we will add you to the mailing list (you must be a registered user to access this feature). Information will also be conveyed in the quarterly Newsletter as well.
New Board of Directors
A new board of directors comprised of Marilyn Lawson, Treasurer; Bruno Lipniskis, Vice President; myself, Gary Marchesano, President: Pamela Nelson, Secretary; and David Wieckowski, Vice President, has been installed after elections at the Annual Members Meeting on March 2, 2021 and will be administering the property for fiscal year 2021-2022. Be assured that we are all highly committed to the stringent maintenance and well-being of our property in all respects and serving us all with transparency, fiscal responsibility and respect. We pledge to do our utmost to earn your confidence and trust over the year.
New Board of Directors Meeting Schedule & Location
The resignation of Collins Realty Group, Inc has made it necessary to change the meeting dates, times, and location of monthly board meetings. The new location is the Titusville Public Library at 2121 S Hopkins Ave, Titusville, FL 32780, the phone number is (321) 264-5026. It is a free facility, conducive to CDC Covid-19 social distancing guidelines. As before, and until further notice, masks are required and will be supplied. This schedule will be posted on the website as well as by the pool and BBQ area. While all are invited to attend, given the board’s enormous workload, we ask attendees to please keep comments concise to ensure that we meet our administrative agenda and obligations in the time allowed.
Be assured that both the board and Sentry will communicate all relevant information often and as soon as it becomes available. We must again stress that you please be extra-attentive to your mail; whether USPS or e-mail (if you’ve signed the consent form), and respond to all requests in a timely manner. We understand that there will likely be many questions. In this regard, Collins Realty Group is still our management company until March 31, 2021. In addition, directors of the board will endeavor to respond to e-mail (addresses below) inquiries truthfully and honestly and in as timely a manner as possible. On behalf of all directors we thank you in advance for your consideration.
Gary Marchesano, Club Haciendas Condominiums Association, Inc.
Posted 3/12/2021 - Save $ on Spectrum
Anyone who has "triple play" (phone, cable + internet) with Spectrum … can … IF THEY CALL AND ASK … can have their $19.99 phone charge reduced to $9.99.
Posted 1/02/2021
Please be noticed that elections for officers of the Club Board of Directors will be held. A printable cop[y of this FIRST NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE and call for candidates below and the CANDIDATE INFORMATION SHEET is available by clicking on this button:
Posted 12/31/2019
Save $10.00 on Spectrum Phone Service
This was reported to management by an owner and verified to be correct.
"Starting a couple weeks ago, anyone who has "triple play" (phone, cable + internet) with Spectrum … can … IF THEY CALL AND ASK … can have their $19.99 phone charge reduced to $9.99. I doubt in many people know this as they are not exactly advertising it.
So of you want to send a mass email out to let people know, they can save $10 a month."
Posted 11/30/201
On December 2nd, 3rd & 4thh (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) we will be having the buildings pressure washed. Buildings 6, 9, & 10 will also have the front roofs cleaned. Please use care when walking around the property and entering/exiting your condo unit. You cooperation is appreciated.
Questions? Please call or contact:
Collins Realty Group, Inc.
3880 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 232
Titusville, FL 32780
Phone: 321.607.6743
Fax: 321.607.6745
T.F. 866.266.0174
Posted 9/27/2019
Important Notice / Building #1
The large tree in front of 975 Country Club Drive will be removed on Saturday, 9/28/2019. This area needs to be clear of all vehicles until removal is complete. Also, additional work on will be scheduled to fix the sidewalk. Please use extreme caution when in this area.
Posted 8/30/2019
Notice !
Hurricane Dorian
In preparation for Hurricane Dorian, we will be shutting down the pool area on Saturday afternoon, 8/31/2019. The pool area will not be reopened until it is safe to do so. That means that you will not be able to use Barbecue. Power must be restored before the area can be reopened. It is very dangerous to use the grill without the exhaust fans. In addition, the Board of Health requires that the pool filter be running in order to use the pool.
Owners who are off property are urged to have a local contact check on their unit for hurricane damage.
A property update on the impact of Hurricane Dorian on Club Haciendas will be communicated as soon as a property evaluation can be concluded and if power has been interrupted, after it has been restored.
Collins Realty Group, Inc.
3880 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 232
Titusville, FL 32780
Phone: 321.607.6743
Fax: 321.607.6745
T.F. 866.266.0174
Posted 07/19/2019
!!!!! Important Notice !!!!!
Pavement Resurfacing is scheduled as follows:
Asphalt repairs throughout the property will take place on Thursday, August 15th and Friday, August 16th. Vehicles do not have to be moved.
West Lot – Sealcoat and crack-fill on Monday, August 19th and Stripping on Tuesday, August 20th.
The parking lot serving Buildings #8, #9, #10, and #11 (1099 – 1169) will be closed at 7:00 am and will reopen at 6:00 pm on 08/20/19. Please park your vehicles in center or east parking lots.
Center Lot – Sealcoat and crack-fill on Wednesday, August 21st and Stripping on Thursday, August 22nd.
The parking lot serving Buildings #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8(1003 – 1113) will be closed at 7:00 am and will reopen at 6:00 pm 08/22/19. Please park your vehicles in west or east parking lots.
East Lot – Sealcoat and crack-fill on Monday, August 26th and Stripping on Tuesday, August 27th.
The parking lot serving Buildings #1, #2, #3 and #4 (955 – 1041) will be closed at 7:00 am and will reopen at 6:00 pm on 08/27/19. Please park your vehicles in center or west parking lots.
*** Please be sure to have your vehicles moved to a safe area. If any vehicles remain in the “off-limits” area, they will have to be towed at your expense.
If your vehicle is parked and you are not here, please make arrangements for it to be moved. If you provide management with a key, we will move your vehicle. If you have tenants, please notify them of this project. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Notices will be placed in every door prior to start date. Questions? Please contact management at:
Collins Realty Group, Inc.
3880 S. Washington Ave., Ste. 232
Titusville, FL 32780
Phone: 321.607.6743
Fax: 321.607.6745
T.F. 866.266.0174
Posted 06/29/2019
In order to provide better safety and security, and to help eliminate unauthorized persons from using the pool area , the board has decided to change the locks on the pool gate and restrooms on July 22, 2019, and issue new keys. These will be numbered “Do Not Duplicate” keys. Replacement keys will cost $50.00. We will be issuing two (2) replacement keys at no charge on the following dates and times:
July 19th Friday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm At the Pool
July 20th Saturday 8:30 am – 11:00 am At the Pool
If you are not available on those dates, please call Collins Realty Group at 321-607-6743 or email crgi2014@gmail.com to make arrangements for getting new keys. You will have to sign for your new keys. If you are going to send another person (i.e. tenant) to pick up the keys, you must advise management of that person’s name. Photo ID must be presented at time of pick up.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Posted 05/22/2019
The 2018 Audited Financial Statement is now ready. Members may request a copy from property management. Members who are registered on our website may access it there from the "Documents Library" page.
Posted 03/22/2019
Important Notice!
Due to necessary repairs, the water in building 6 will be turned off on Wednesday, March 27, 2019, from 1:00 pm until 5:00 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we do appreciate your cooperation and understanding.If you have any questions, please contact management @ 321.607.6743.Thanks!
Posted 3/22/2019
Important Notice
Tree Trimming & Removal Service Schedule
At-risk tree trimming & removal will begin Monday, March 25th and continue through Thursday, March 28th. This project will affect all residents and all buildings. Service will be performed from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm each day. The schedule listed below will inform you as to when your building will be affected.
It is important that this work be completed as planned prior to storm season. For safety reasons do not park your vehicle in front of, nor in the parking lots of affected buildings on the dates of service. Residents are advised to use alternate lots and to keep clear of work zones.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your cooperation, it is greatly appreciated! Please direct inquiries to Collins Realty Group, Inc.321-607-6743
Monday, March 25th & Tuesday, March 26th
#1 (955-977)
#2 (979-1001)
#3 (1003-1017)
#4 (1019-1041)
Wednesday, March 27th
#4 (1019-1041)
#5 (1043-1057)
#6 (1059-1073)
#7 (1075-1097)
#8 (1099-1113)
Thursday, March 28th
#8 (1099-1113)
#9 (1115-1137)
#10 (1139-1153)
#11 (1155-1169)
Posted 1/30/2019
This Notice from Florida Power and Light was received by Property Management on January 29, 2019.
January 22, 2019
Club Haciendas Condominium Association lnc
PO Box 98 Titusville, FL32781
Dear Club Haciendas Condominium Association lnc:
We understand how much you depend on reliable energy and we're continuously working to make it better. In fact, we're working on a project in your area that will help improve your service in good weather and bad. This project will strengthen the main power line serving your area. Work is scheduled to begin February 1, 2019 and is expected to be completed by June 20, 2019. We will be working in the area bounded by Park Avenue & Country Club Drive, South Hopkins Avenue & Country Club Drive and Cheney Highway and Apollo Road. We'll do everything possible to keep and power interruptions to a minimum while this work is in progress. Should and outage of 15 minutes or more become necessary to complete the work, we'll notify you at least five days in advance and provide details at that time. We pledge to work safely and respectfully in your community as well as make reasonable efforts to minimize construction-related noise and any other inconveniences to your or your neighbors. To prepare the area for this project, our staff may need to discuss with you the need to trim or remove trees and vegetation which are among the leading causes of power interruptions. You can help minimize power interruptions by keeping trees properly maintained on your property by qualified trimmers and planting trees far away from power lines. Visit FPL.com/trees to learn more about proper tree planting and maintenance as well as staying safe around power lines. While we deliver better than 99.98 percent reliability, we're never satisfied. Since 2006 we have invested more than $3 billion to make improvements to the grid throughout out service area. Although severe weather will continue to cause some outages, improvements such as these will help keep your lights on and, when needed, enable us to restore service faster. If you have any questions concerning this project, please cal 1-800-693-3267 Monday through Friday, between 9 a..m. and 5 p.m. and refer to Indian River Hardening. To learn more about this and other projects in your area, you can also visit FPL.com/maps.
Sincerely, Florida Power & Light Company
700 Universe Boulevard, DOUJW,
Juno Beach, FL 33408
Posted 1/28/2019
Due to necessary repairs to the main water line in the parking lot, the water to buildings 1, 2, 3, & 4 will be turned off on Tuesday, January 29, 2019, from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm. We apologize for any in-convenience this may cause and we do appreciate your cooperation and understanding. If you have any questions, please contact management @ 321.607.6743. Thank you!
There have been a couple of complications with the work during this construction phase.
First, the water pipe was damaged and water had to be shut off to the buildings (1 – 4) in that area. That situation was rectified in less than 2 hours.
Then wires were cut to the large parking lot lights because none of the underground wiring is conduit. Now the area is dark. We had a flood light brought in last night that quit working after a while. We are making every effort to get the light working again in order to provide safety and security for the area. PLEASE, use extreme caution when moving about the east parking lot.
We sincerely regret this inconvenience.
Collins Realty Group, Inc.
Posted 1/8/2019
Please disregard any billing from the La Cita Master Homeowner's Association. The Master Association assessment has always been paid by Club Haciendas on your behalf; it is a line item in our budget. (The La Cita Master HOA is the umbrella association over all the individual associations within the La Cita community.)
If you have paid this fee, you are entitled to a refund. Please contact Sentry Management at 407-788-6700 ext. 42500 for refund information or Collins Realty Group, Inc. at (321) 607-6743 or 866-266-1074 with questions or concerns.
Posted 01/06/2019
Storm Drain Repair Update
Club Haciendas Condominium Association, Inc.
1st NOTICE – 01/07/2019
The second phase of the storm drain repair will begin on Monday, January 14, 2019 and run through Friday, February 8, 2019. (Weather permitting.)
The work area has been marked in orange. Please make sure your vehicles are parked on the outside of the orange markings.
DO NOT park in front of buildings 2, 3, the mail boxes and the southwest end of building 1.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Dennis G. Collins, Management
![2021 First Notice of Election20210102_11](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d1baca_6ad07ecb4da24f5fbecad3ee4eab81b5~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_542,h_701,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/2021%20First%20Notice%20of%20Election20210102_11.jpg)