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Wind Mitigation Inspection Reports
If you carry Windstorm Coverage on your Condominium Insurance Policy, providing this information* to your insurance company may result in discounts on your premium**.
​* Reports are specific to each building. Be sure to select your building.
**Applicable only if you carry Windstorm Coverage.
Printing instructions:
Your insurance agent will need to have 'hard copies' of the report and images.
Here is how to e-mail them to him so he can print them out.
                           1. Left click on your building number.
                           2. For the Report Document: Right click on the PDF. Choose "Copy Link Location", and then left click to copy.
                           3. "Paste" it to an e-mail to your insurance agent.
                           4. For Images: Hover over the image and left click on the arrow that appears in the lower right-hand corner.
                           5. Choose the envelope icon at the bottom and attach to your e-mail. Repeat for each image of your building.
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